Step into the Light - Transform your fear of death by learning about Life after Life

What happens when we die? Is death annihilation – the end of everything as far as we are concerned – or is there an afterlife? And if there indeed is one, what does it look like? Instead of speculating philosophically or reviewing different religious beliefs, this book looks directly at the testimony we have from witnesses who have had a direct experience of death: those who’ve had a deathbed vision, those who’ve had a Near-Death Experience and those who have actually died and allegedly go on living in a nonmaterial dimension we call the spirit world. To begin with, the author engages you in a scientific “detective work” aiming to establish the credibility of these sources of information. He reviews all the alternative explanations which have been proposed for these phenomena, showing that not one of them is capable of accounting for the empirical evidence. The conclusion is that these sources are indeed likely to be what or who they claim to be, and therefore it is reasonable to trust them. Then he systematically describes the process of dying and the various stages of life in the spirit world, based on (and extensively quoting) the coherent, consistent testimony received from these different sources. You will notice the striking similarities between accounts from different periods in modern history and from witnesses of different religious, social, economic and cultural backgrounds. You will also see how these accounts are almost invariably at odds with the teachings of most organised religions, further suggesting that they reflect real experiences rather than beliefs or fantasy. Step into the Light engages your rational mind, showing that the thought of death as annihilation is not consistent with the available evidence and aiming to transform your fear of death into reasonable hopefulness.

Upon reading Piero Calvi-Parisetti's poetic treatise, those with even a shred of doubt that human consciousness survives death, or who view the prospect of our passing from this mortal coil with fear and dread, will find themselves, as the subtitle of this beautiful book promises, utterly transformed. Dr. Calvi-Parisetti's masterpiece dispenses with the dismal view of human existence as being nothing more than brutal, short, and meaningless; he proves, through persuasive arguments backed up by a plethora of research, that death is nothing more than a marker along the road through eternity. By the time you finish this stunning piece of work, you will know, to the depth of your bones, that our brief stay on this planet is simply a spiritual preparation for the immense beauty and love that await us beyond the grave.
Mo Hannah PhD
Professor of Psychology, Siena College

Is there an afterlife? Does human personality survive bodily death? Scientific research and a colossal amount of compelling empirical evidence, gathered for over 150 years by some of the finest minds on the planet, seem to indicate that Clint Eastwood's 2011 movie Hereafter actually got it right. Consciousness indeed appears to exist independently of a functioning brain, and to extend well beyond the transition we call death. Written by a medical doctor, university lecturer and member of the Society for Psychical Research, 21 Days into the Afterlife makes the case for the survival hypothesis in a series of well-researched chapters, each one covering a different field of investigation.
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The 57 articles that form this book are individual, stand-alone pieces that can be read in isolation. However, they also belong to a greater, coherent and consistent scheme and logical framework. Psychical research provides compelling evidence for the facts that mind is related to but independent from the physical brain and significant aspects of human personality survive the death of the body. These subjects – the mind/brain relationship and the survival hypothesis – provide the substance for most of these writings, but they are not dealt with as a matter of simple intellectual curiosity. The underlying angle, the common thread linking all of this work, is that these subjects are crucially important for the bereaved and the dying. When it is understood – rationally understood – that death does not equate with disappearance/annihilation, a considerable part of the fear of death and some of the pain of bereavement can be avoided.
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This workbook is an essential part of the method known as “Love Knows No Death,” an innovative approach to grief transformation. This counseling approach, which integrates both written and video lessons, reflects an “unbelievable truth” that the human mind, consciousness and personality do not end with the death of the physical body. In other words, your deceased love one is not, in fact, deceased. As one progresses through the workbook it becomes apparent that there is no religious agenda. The reality that we survive death is based upon established evidence and not blind faith, and the reader is encouraged to do their own reading, learning and thinking. The entire approach is based upon education and not preaching. This innovative approach to grief transformation is based upon established techniques of cognitive therapy. In other words, “The way you feel depends entirely on the way you think.” When we learn to think “non-negatively” and replace negative, unrealistic and distorted thoughts with more balanced, neutral and realistic ones, dramatic results can be attained.
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"...in order to understand the phenomenon of apparitions we don't have to look for the ghost, but, rather, we need a better understanding of what happens with the perceiver. I suspect that ghosts, much as beauty, are in the eye of the beholder. By that, I don't mean that ghosts are not "real" - I mean that percipients are temporarily allowed to see something that belongs to another world, and others often don't see. I strongly suspect that ghosts are essentially phenomena of consciousness, exactly like anything else we perceive and assume to be real."
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